BumbleBee Rugby Club

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Sudah lama tidak menulis...masa ada tapi tidak mencukupi...walaubagaimanapun..saya nak share dengan semua article yang saya tulis dan hantar ke UniKL BMI news buletin pada awal tahun 2010..selepas mengenali Bumblebee secara fulltime...selepas MIMET 2009.

"People always say that rugby is a gentleman’s game. It is so rough on the field, but, miraculously there is no fight among the players. They, the players battled it out with scrums, rucks, maul, which, at the end of the run will take out most their energy and that is why during the game if they are unhappy with the referee or opponents they would just say “ aaah..will get you in the next game mate”…

Rugby is not famously played like football in Malaysia. Although rugby and football do started at the same time here in Malaysia, not many youngsters are into rugby. It is probably because of the too many body contacts that could result to injury, but, in sports, injuries are unavoidable, however with enough exercises, training and good sportsmanship, injuries could be evaded.

I always wonder where does the word rugby comes from, I’ve searched the Internet (not fully searching) but to no avail could not find the origin of the word. A female student once asked the same question as I did and a smart alleck answered “ its rough baby that’s why is called rugby” . Yeah, that triggered, if you say fast enough of “rough baby” at the end it would sound “rugby”. Eureka! In actual rugby originated at a school called Rugby School in England during the 1800’s. Apparently when the boys were playing soccer, one of them decided to catch the ball with his hand and ran with it until the end of the goal post. There you have it, rugby was born.

Here in UniKL BMI, it was not known when rugby was actually being played or started. As far as I know, the rugby club was in existence when I started working here in 2003. Like other rugby clubs, our rugby club has its own name “Bumblebee”. It might not sound big or strong like UiTM “Intekma Lions”, UPM’s “Serdang Angels”or Uniten Thunder, but UniKL BMI Bumblebee has a reputation of its own with highly committed player striving to be at par with the BIG BOYS club.

In the upcoming 2010 UniKL Students Sports Carnival, our UniKL BMI Bumblebee has a mission to fulfill. Espirit de corp, good sportsmanship and training, Bumblebee could bring the gold for our Contingent.