And that would be true>>>>that any group, team (especially when the team consist of all men) need a woman to manage.
" Bumblebee exist primarily in the Northern Hemisphere and are common in New Zealand"
And that would true>>>>> because of the All Blacks association - as most team members are fan of All Blacks(ye ke Mag?) including me.
" The word bumblebee derived from the middle english bombeln, a word which means to boom or to buzz referring to the humming sound produced by wing muscles of bumble"
And that would be true>>>>because we boom and we buzz and yes...we have muscles ( Jahar tolong tunjuk sikit)
"Bumblebee are also notably bulky in shape and often having with their hair being silky and soft. Many bumblebees have the distinctive black and yellow stripes"
And that would be true>>>>because the color of our jersey is yellow and black, and, since it's a total field jersey..it is soft and comfortable...
"Bumblebees are capable of stinging,and will do so in self-defence, because their stingers are not barbed (covered), they can sting multiple times"
And that would be true>>>>because we have proven that we sting...with many tries
"Bumblebees are social creatures"
And that would be true>>>>because we have many fans, friends and people wanting to be our friend..( i receive many request to join bumblebee group)
" Bumblebee in The Transformer Movie is often being the underdog"
And that would be true>>>>because we are the underdogs...but at the end we come out the leader of the pack..mcm bumblebee selamatkan Optimus Prime
( refer KRS 2010..hehehehe..true itu past glory tapi apa salahnyer bagi example)
"Bumblebee are benign and their presence should actually be welcomed"
And that would be true>>>>because we are good natured, kind, favorable and no harm (lebah semua baik2 belaka..nampak jer ganas..)
- Semasa ice breaking diouting bagan lallang...tak dapat dipastikan macam mana boleh dapat nama Bumblebee.. tapi setelah buat research...barulah faham kenapa senior2 dulu memilih nama bumblebee...walaupun dulu tak nampak relevannya nama bumblebee..tapi sekarang amat jelas sekali...
Kini Bumblebee muncul semula dalam KRS 2011 dan kini di Division 3. Bees telah melalui 4 perlawanan dengan 3 menang 1 kalah. Kalah pun kalah technical (itu persepsi saya..kalau nak dibandingkan dengan pihak lawan..tidaklah mereka sehebat mana)..tapi of courselah..kalau dah kalah tak kiralah technical ke..tactical ke..memang tidak boleh dipertikaikan keputusan referee.
Minggu depan 3 April..Bees akan bertemu Cougars..ermmm (kalau ikut definisi cougar ni spesis puma dan habitatnya adalah di pergunungan Amerika Utara dan di panggil mountain lion).
Singa jumpa Lebah...macam mana tu...nampaknya lebah harus menggunakan kekecilan tubuh badan untuk menjatuhkan singa..
Tak mengapa..kita tunggu 3 April dan tengok apa yang akan terjadi..mudah2an kemenangan berpihak kepada kita...
So, next posting saya selepas 3 April...
Jumpa lagi...1 cheer for BEEZZZ!!!
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